I just happened to be over at Anthropologie, and notice that they are carrying the Plover Organic sheet sets. I enjoy Plover Organics for several reasons. One is that they are block printed. This is the technique often used in indian textiles where an interlocking block is loaded with ink, and then pressed down into the fabric. Because each block is hand inked and hand set, the result (usually a geometric repeating design) is delightfully varied over the surface of the textile. Often it will take several blocks to print all of the colors in the design. The Plover sheets are also organic, so you know you are doing the right thing. Did you know that 10% of all the pesticides used in the United States are used on the cotton crop? Also it takes 1/4 pound of synthetic fertilizer to grow one pound of cotton, which is about enough to make one tee shirt. So buying organic does make a difference. They are great quality with 300 threads per inch.
Many of these sheets are on sale right now! So if you need sheets, it is bargain time.
If you are a fan of color, (DUH, who isn’t) you also should know about Amy Butler. She makes a bunch of products, including sheets, and gorgeous organic towels. Her stuff is usually available at Bed Bath and Beyond, online.