I definitely pour my heart out every time I write something, I am too old and stubborn to present anything other than my authentic thoughts. However that does mean that it is nerve wracking putting articles out there. We all have a little voice in our head telling us that we are unqualified imposters, and that noone is interested in what we have to say. (what, you don’t? Lucky.) Anne Lamott calls it radio station KFKD, in her wonderful book “Bird by Bird”, and says we just have to turn the volume down.
But there was a moment when I wanted to say no when the communications chair of my local ASID branch, Dolores Ayala, asked me to write an article about my practice.
But I also am brave enough to just go for it! So with the help of the wonderful editors over at Lane Editorial– (thanks Betsy) Please enjoy the following article about why I feel so strongly that my business must be sustainable.